Old German Owl Club Bylaws
As amended December 15, 2024
Article I Name
The name of the organization shall be the Old German Owl Club.
Article II Purpose
The purpose of the organization is to establish and maintain a
club through which pigeon breeders may work together for the
promotion of Old German Owls as a hobby, and to maintain a
social setting where pigeons can be discussed and ideas
exchanged regarding pigeon breeding in a friendly and
cooperative manner. The primary focus of this club will be the
breeding and exhibition of quality Old German Owls.
Article III Membership
Section 1: Open to
all those interested in pigeons as a hobby, and especially those
whose focus is on Old German Owls.
Section 2: Members
shall be removed, without prejudice, from the active role
whenever dues are in arrears for over two months.
Section 3: Members
shall be removed from the active role whenever their actions and
behavior do not conform to the purposes and objectives of the
Club. Any member so removed shall have their dues refunded on a
pro-rated share of dues paid.
Any five or more members may request removal of any member whose
behavior does not conform to the purposes and objectives of the
Club. They may initiate a request for review of the allegations
by an Investigative Committee by writing to the Club Secretary,
fully describing and documenting the alleged actions that
violate the Club Bylaws or are not in keeping with the best
interest of the Club and hobby. The Secretary shall forward the
review request to the President within 30 days.
The President shall convene an Investigative Committee
consisting of three neutral members, who are not party to the
request or alleged actions. The Committee shall investigate the
complaint, interviewing all parties it finds may have relevant
information about the alleged complaint, and shall submit its
findings in writing to the President within 60 days. Along with
the Committee’s findings, the Committee shall recommend one, but
only one, of the following: no action, one-year suspension, or
permanent removal from the Club. The findings may contain a
minority report.
The President shall immediately forward the findings and
recommendation to the Newsletter Editor if the Investigative
Committee recommends suspension or removal. The Editor shall
publish the findings and recommendation and provide a
non-concurrence ballot in the next available newsletter. Any
member that does not concur with the committee’s recommendation
shall return the ballot to the Club Secretary within 30 days of
the newsletter mailing or by the date specified on the ballot,
whichever is later.
The Investigative Committee’s recommendation becomes effective
on the date of the ballot expiration period, and is final,
unless overturned by a majority of the members. In the event
that the members do not concur with the Committee’s
recommendation, no action will be taken and the complaint will
be considered resolved with no prejudice.
Article IV Dues
The annual dues shall be $25.00 per adult member, $30.00 for a
family membership, and $10.00 for a junior member. A family
membership covers parents and children under age 18. Two family
members will have voting rights. For additional family members
to have voting rights, they must join as single or family
Dues are payable at the time of joining the Club, and on the
anniversary date thereafter.
Article V Officers
The elected officers shall consist of the President, three
Vice-Presidents, and the Secretary Treasurer. The three Vice-
presidents shall consist of the Eastern U.S. Vice-President,
Central U.S. Vice-President and the Western U.S. Vice-President.
Nomination and election of the three Vice Presidents and the
Secretary-Treasurer shall be conducted in November and December
in every even digit year, (e.g.2000) and so on. Nomination and
election of the President shall be conducted in November and
December in every odd digit year, (e.g.2001) and so on. Terms of
the office shall be two years except for the implementation of
the initial amendment to this section of the bylaws. The
President will serve a one year term commencing January 1, 2007
and ending on December 31, 2007. This will allow for an orderly
transition to this new voting process. Terms of office shall be
two years. Minimum age for elected officers shall be 18 years of
age. The officers shall be the Executive Committee of the Club
and are authorized to act on behalf of the Club as the need
Article VI Duties of Officers
President shall exercise general leadership of the Club and
promote the purpose and objectives of the Club and the
The President shall set up and make appointments to committees
as needed to do the business of the Club. The President can
appoint someone to fill a vacant officer position until the next
election, at which time the position will be filled by election.
The President shall do the business of the Club, but may call a
meeting or conference call of the Executive Committee when
certain Club decisions must be made. The President shall see
that the Club is operated according to its bylaws at all times.
The Secretary-Treasurer shall perform all duties of the
President in the absence of the President.
The Vice-presidents shall perform all the business of the club
that focuses exclusively on their respective districts. Only
members in the respective districts may vote for their
The Secretary Treasurer shall keep all business records of the
Club, including membership roster, a record of dues paid by the
membership, and financial records to account for handling of the
funds, and shall publish a current report in every club
The Secretary Treasurer shall keep written minutes of all
Executive Committee meetings. These minutes shall be printed in
the next Club newsletter.
ANNUAL JUDGE: The Vice President of the region
that is hosting the NPA Grand National will
have the responsibility of securing the judge for the show.
He/she will select three potential
names, all members/breeders in good standing, contact the three
candidates via phone or
email to determine if they are willing to serve as judge and, if
so, present the names to the
Board for a vote. The candidate with the most votes being the
selected to judge. The
individual who has the second most votes will be the alternate
judge, should the first judge
be unable to fulfill the position. This selection will take
place by June 1 and the membership
informed as soon as possible.
REGIONAL JUDGE: The Vice President of each
region is charged with the responsibility of
securing an active, member/breeder to judge the annual Regional
show within his/her
district. His/her selection should be based upon conversations
and correspondence with
members of his/her district and their thoughts and suggestions
should be taken into
ALL OTHER OGOC POINT SHOWS: All potential point
shows must be approved by the
Regional VP in which the show will take place. Every effort
should be made to secure an
active OGOC member to judge these shows. However, an
accomplished all-breed judge is
acceptable as long as approved by the regional VP
Article VIII Changes to the Bylaws and Standard
Changes to the Bylaws may be offered at any time at the request
of five members.
Standard changes my be offered at the request of five members at
any time, provided that the standard has not been modified in at
least five years
If the standard review process has been opened within the
previous five years, the request to open the standard review
process must come from 10% of the membership. A draft of such a
proposal will be printed in the next news bulletin, along with
any supporting reasoning.
Any member may offer amendments to the proposed draft noted
above, along with supporting reasoning. These proposed
amendments and/or comments, either pro or con, will be published
in the following bulletin.
The next bulletin will include any other comments received on
the original proposal and amendments thereto, either pro or con,
and a “ballot” on the proposed amendments.
Any amendment that receives more yes than no votes by member
ballot, will modify these bylaws unless some other majority is
specified as part of the amendment. Results of the vote will be
reported in the next bulletin.
Article IX Standard
Modifications to the Old German Owl Standard require a 60%
majority of the member ballots returned. The comment section of
the standard, being subservient to the main section, requires
only the standard 50% + majority of member ballots returned for
Article X OGO Recognition Awards
Section 1: Master Breeder Award
The Master Breeder, Member of the Year, and the Junior Member of
the Year Programs have been developed by the Old German Owl Club
for the purposes of promoting the pigeon hobby, active club
participation, and encouraging excellence in the breeding,
development, and showing of the Old German Owl breed of pigeon.
These programs have been specifically developed to encourage
members to actively participate in the promotion of the breed
through all club functions, because without such activity the
Old German Owl would not prosper.
Section 2: Member of the Year Award
Member of the Year award has been designed to recognize club
members who have gone above and beyond the norm in service to
the club and the promotion of the Old German Owl breed of
pigeon. Examples of such service may include holding an
appointed position in the club, serving as a Member in Charge of
a show, helping new fanciers or juniors with the breed, writing
articles, promoting the breed, or other extraordinary service.
To be eligible for this award, the individual must be a member
in good standing for at least three full years. There can be at
the most 1 senior and 1 junior Member of the Year Awards given
during any calendar year. Any member in good standing can
nominate another member for this award. Nominations are due by
December 1st of each year. All nominations will be reviewed and
voted on by the club officers during the month of December and
the results will be announced in the winter newsletter, if
Section 3: Junior Member of the Year Award
Same as the Member of the Year. Members must be 18 or under in
the year the award is provided.
These programs are open only to members in good standing of the Old German
Owl Club.
Master Breeder Program
Revised to Start in the Year 2024
Section 1:
The main objective of
the Master Breeder Program is to encourage excellence in
breeding, promoting, showing and improvement of the Old German
Owl Pigeon.
Section 2:
Master Breeder Director (MBD)
The club President shall
appoint the MBD. It is recommended the MBD serve for a period of
five years to maintain continuity in the program. The MBD will
have the overall responsibility for the program and will report
directly to the President of the Old German Owl club. It will be
the duty of the MBD to familiarize themselves with the rules of
the program so that each show report submitted will be checked
for compliance. Reports
not in compliance will be sent back to the person in charge of
each show for correction.
Section 3:
Record Maintenance
The MBD will record
points as show reports are received and keep a permanent
accumulated total. The MBD will keep show reports for the
current year and the most recent year recorded.
It will not be the
responsibility of the MBD to solicit show reports.
Accrued points will be
published in the newsletter and will be presumed accurate unless
protested to the MBD. Only
the current year or the most recent year points may be
Section 4:
Master Breeder Program Official Rules
All points are forfeited when club membership expires for more than
six months.
Only officially approved club shows with 3 or more exhibitors and
25 birds will be eligible for points.
The Regional Vice
President will compile a list of approved shows including a
regional meet for his/her district and submit them for
approval by the executive board. The executive board to
consist of the President, three regional vice presidents and
the secretary. Approved shows must be posted by the summer
newsletter. No other
shows will be approved after that deadline.
The National Meet will be held with the NPA Grand National Show.
There will be three Regional Meets.
Eastern Regional,
Central Regional and the
Western Regional.
Shows that are interested in hosting a regional show should apply
with the Regional Vice President. It is recommended that the
regional show will rotate through the district when
The exhibitor does not have to be present to have points awarded.
All birds exhibited in competition must be bred and owned by the
Only birds judged will be included in the final show count. Birds
entered but, not judged will not be included.
Only one show on the same week in the same vicinity is eligible for
Any exhibitor who commits any type of fraud, not limited to
falsifying records or violating program rules will be
permanently expelled from the program.
The point system will apply equally to shield marked, self-colored
and tail marked categories. The best of each color in each
category will compete in the final lineup for picking
The member in charge of each show, as part of their duties, will
forward a copy of the official show results to the MBD.
Judging sheets will be included with the show report. This
report must be sent to the MBD within 45 days of the show
date to be considered for Master Breeder Points. Reports not
submitted timely will not be recorded.
The executive board will be the final arbiters of any disputes or
interpretation of the official rules.
The award will be earned after 5 years of continuous membership.
Champion or Reserve Champion of show must be earned at One Grand
National and one Regional Show or Two Regional Shows to
qualify for the award.
One of these wins will be outside of the recipient’s
home region.
1000 Points will be required to qualify for the award. 500 points
must be earned at large point shows. 75 birds or more. No
more than 500 points can be earned at small point shows. 74
birds or less.
Section 5:
Show Points Calculation
1 - Master Breeder 1000
2 - Silver Master Breeder 2000 Points
3 - Gold Master Breeder
3000 Points
4 - Points will continue
to accumulate after Gold Master Breeder is achieved.
5 - Point
A - Approved Shows
25-49 Birds
50-74 Birds
75 Plus Birds
Champion 25 Points
Champion 50 Points
Champion 75 Points
10 Points
25 Points
50 Points
5 Points
5 Points
2nd Res 25
5 Points
B - National and
Regional Shows
100 Plus Birds to Qualify. If there are not 100 birds, then
100 Points
approved show points apply based on number of birds
75 Points
2nd Reserve
50 Points
3rd Reserve
25 Points
4th Reserve
25 Points
5th Reserve
25 Points
5 Points
6 - Additional Points.
Best of Show at All
Breeds Shows. 200
birds in show to qualify.
50 Points
Judging National or
Regional Shows
Only 100 judging points
are allowed to earn Master Breeder.
7 - New Colors not
currently in Existence to the OGO Breed.
75 Points
The points will be
awarded to the originator when:
A – The color is
B – The color has won
the AOC class at three shows
C – Application has been
made to the executive board. The board will study the merits of
the application and determine the worthiness to receive the
points. Points may
be shared if there is more than one person working on the same
Section 6:
Judging Procedure
1 – Classes will be set
up by color. Sub classes
in each color will be set up by young hens, young cocks, old
hens and old cocks. They will be judged in that order.
2 – Place Best of color
and reserve of color. Before you select reserve of color you
must bring up the second -place bird from the class the best of
color was chosen.
3 – Bring the Best of
Each Colors to Champion Row. Then place the best 2 in a 25 to 49
and a 50 to 74 bird show,
the best 3 in a 75 plus - bird show, and the best 6 in a
National or Regional when there are 100 birds to qualify.
You do not pick the top 6 in every show.
4 – Pick your Champion
from the best of colors.
5 – Move the Champion
and replace him with the Reserve of that color.
6 – Now select your
Reserve Champion with the remaining birds.
7 – You follow this same
procedure with each selection.
8 – It is important to
remember to bring the reserve of color after each selection. If
you do not do that you are only placing a class of colors. The
objective is to pick the best birds of the show. Conceivably the
best birds of the show could all come from the same color class.
Article XI Double Banding
All birds being shown in a recognized Old German Club meet must
wear a seamless band of the correct size and year. Each bird
being shown may wear one band only and no split bands, spiral
rings or mating bands are allowed. Any Officer, Judge of the
show, Member-in-Charge of the show or Show Steward may request
directly to the member attempting to show a double banded bird
that the extra band(s) be removed. Any other member may make
such a request to one of the above-mentioned individuals. If a
member refuses to remove an extra band(s) from a bird or the
bird is taken to the judging area with multiple bands, the bird
will automatically be disqualified from the show. All Judges are
required to enforce this provision of the Bylaws. Failure to do
so will result in the individual being banned from judging
further shows unless the Executive Committee of the Old German
Owl Club votes in the majority otherwise.